Small Business Loans
Make Sure Your Business Is Prepared for the Future With a Small Business Loan
Many companies look at small business loans in terms of what they need right now. It’s true that SBA financing can help you company reach your immediate goals, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, you can use a small business loan to prepare your company for future needs, from expansion to market changes. At True & Constant Lending Group, our financial advisors can help you get a great loan for your small business.
Get a Property That Meets Your Needs Now and Tomorrow
One of the best ways to use a small business loan is for real estate acquisition. The large funding amount of SBA financing can help you purchase an excellent business location that is the right size for your business:
- Office buildings
- Warehouses
- Factory spaces
- Hotels
- Gas stations
- Automotive repair shots
- Restaurants and coffee shops
- Retail stores
When picking out a business location, don’t just think of your current operations. Think of what you want to accomplish down the road in terms of production, customer service and client orders. That way, you can have the space needed to grow easily.
Adapt Your Business Location To Your Clients
Do you already have a great property? In that case, you may want to use a small business loan to make changes that your clients appreciate. Our small business loans can cover virtually any type of needs:
- New construction
- Remodeling
- Expansion
- Business acquisition
- New equipment purchases
- Technology and software
- Equipment upgrades
- Working capital
With the power of a small business loan, nothing is out of reach. For example, healthcare practices such as chiropractors can get financing to expand their office, remodel and upgrade to advanced treatment equipment.
We provide financing that takes into account your specific business goals. SBA 7a and 504 loans offer excellent interest rates, repayment terms and monthly payments.
Discover all of the possibilities for your business by contacting us right away.